Spiritual Disciplines
Sean Tambagahan Sean Tambagahan

Spiritual Disciplines

Spiritual Disciplines are the leading indicators of your spiritual life in Christ. They are the activities we do that lead to the results we want in our spiritual lives. Bible Reading, Prayer, Fasting, and Corporate Worship are some of the primary spiritual disciplines I challenge you to prioritize this year.

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Ekklesia’s First Year
Sean Tambagahan Sean Tambagahan

Ekklesia’s First Year

Wow! I can’t believe it’s already been a year of Ekklesia! It started with a dream to reach, win, train, and send biblically literate, Gospel-fluent, Christ-Centered, and mission-minded disciples for the Kingdom of God. Here is a sampling of what God has done through our church this past year.

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2023 Evangelism Seminar
Sean Tambagahan Sean Tambagahan

2023 Evangelism Seminar

Kingdom Advancement was a one-day multi-church evangelism seminar created to motivate and equip the church to reach the lost in our own city, and start a monthly evangelism outreach movement in Fresno

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Easter Sunday 2023
Sean Tambagahan Sean Tambagahan

Easter Sunday 2023

What is Easter All About? Jesus offers eternal life through His death, burial, and resurrection!

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Has your love for God grown cold?
Sean Tambagahan Sean Tambagahan

Has your love for God grown cold?

Returning to your first love. How’s your relationship with God? What words would describe your current level of closeness to Him? I don’t know about you, but I want to live passionately in love with Jesus.

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Church is for the Church
Sean Tambagahan Sean Tambagahan

Church is for the Church

The biblical definition of the word “church” (Greek: ekklesia) is the gathering of the saints who are called out from the world by the proclamation of the Gospel. This means the call of the Gospel goes out into the world, and as people respond in faith by making the confession “Christ is Lord, " they gather together as an assembly to worship and honor Christ and edify each other.

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Our First Gathering
Sean Tambagahan Sean Tambagahan

Our First Gathering

Our first-ever gathering as Ekklesia was a blessed night of worship and study. There were about 40 people in attendance gathered together to sing songs to Jesus and study His Word as we kicked off our Mid-Week Gatherings.

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What is the Ekklesia?
Sean Tambagahan Sean Tambagahan

What is the Ekklesia?

What is the church? How do we define it? If you ask a dozen people that question you may get 12 different answers, but what is the right answer? To answer these questions for my congregation we turned to the scriptures to see what the church meant to the earliest followers of Jesus.

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