Ekklesia’s First Year
Wow! I can’t believe it’s already been a year of Ekklesia!
It started with a dream to reach, win, train, and send biblically literate, Gospel-fluent, Christ-Centered, and mission-minded disciples for the Kingdom of God. This dream moved into a living room with 10 families, then to a mid-week bible study.
Finally, on October 9th, 2022 our small group kicked off our first Sunday gathering. The vision: create a diverse gathering of people who are madly in love with Jesus, deeply connected to each other, and radically committed to the Great Commission. With hearts lifted to Christ, arms linked together, and hands down to the plow, we pursued the vision that God gave us - only now to look up and see all He has done. I am in awe.
This letter only serves as a small update and a huge THANK YOU to those who have supported Ekklesia in any way. Thank you so much for your prayers and support in this work. The body of Christ is vast, and we could not have done it without the work of the Holy Spirit through the support of His church. Whether you have supported us with your presence, prayers, finances, resources, or friendship - I am eternally grateful.
Here is a sampling of what God has done through our church this past year.
The Fellowship
8 Baptisms
1 Elder Ordained
50 Members/Regular Congregants
52 Fellowship Meals Shared
100+ From the community at our Easter Block Party
52 Sermons
10 Chapters in John
36 In home gatherings
Evangelism & Missions
King Advancement Evangelism Seminar
50 Christians Trained
3 Churches Equipped
4 Evangelism Outreaches
60+ Individual Gospel encounters
3 Missions Organizations Supported
Partnership With Fresno mission
10+ Volunteers Registered
Partnership with RTC
100 game nights
30 families
1 registered mentor
Partnership with Fresno Mission Men’s Academy
4 speaking engagements
2 registered mentors
Elderly Care Ministry
4 in residential care
30 in memory care