Only One Mission
“You’re either on mission or unfaithful. Those are the only options for a Christ-follower.”
The Great Commission is the mission of every church and every Christian. If we are not on mission then we have failed to be the church. At Ekklesia, our philosophy is that every member of the church should be on mission globally, and locally in our city.

Go, therefore, and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe everything I have commanded you. And remember, I am with you always, to the end of the age.”
Jesus (Matthew 28:19-20)
Local Mission
Locally, we have a three-fold approach to missions and outreach:
Our vision is to grow a healthy church of biblically literate, Gospel-fluent disciples who are equipped to reach their neighbors with the good news of Jesus Christ.
We support and work with local parachurch organizations that meet the physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual needs of our community from a Christ-centered approach.
We believe the local church is God’s plan to fulfill the Great Commission. Therefore we seek to be a healthy church planting healthy churches everywhere for everyone.
Global Mission
Globally, we support churches and organizations that are committed to making the Gospel known among unreached people groups (communities that do not have a strong enough church presence, if any, to reach their own people with the Gospel). Our global missions partners are transforming lives in India for eternity by:
Supporting indigenous church planters preach the Gospel in villages and communities with few or no Christians.
Equipping pastors at a Bible Training Center in Northern India.
Serving at-risk children in highly targeted areas for trafficking by providing hope, dignity, and a future.
Volunteering at The Fresno Mission
Ekklesia is a proud partner with the Fresno Mission. We strongly encourage all our members to sign up to become a volunteer. We have several opportunities to serve each month and throughout the year. 2 Steps:
Create an account with VolunteerHub
Go through Online Orientation
If you have any questions or concerns, please contact the Volunteer Department at
Relational Volunteers
There are several ways to serve at the Fresno Mission. Relational volunteer roles, however, include anything in which the volunteer is working directly with the Fresno Mission’s client population in a relational way, such as mentorship, teaching, and coaching.
If want to be a mentor or any type of relational volunteer please fill out the relational application and return to A Fresno Mission representative will contact you to schedule an interview with the appropriate department. Fingerprints/Live Scan are required for volunteers working with (or in close proximity to) children.
Though there are many organizations we believe in that are doing incredible work for the Kingdom of God, Ekklesia must be a good steward of our time and resources. Therefore we have strategically partnered with these organizations:
If you’d like more information about our missions and outreach strategy or would like to get involved with the work God is doing through Ekklesia and our partners, please contact us.