A church-led local missions collaborative in Fresno
Win My City is a city-wide network of Fresno churches that partner for local missions and church planting. Though expressly diverse, we are unified under the Gospel and committed to the Great Commission.
Why Win My City Exists
Churches in Decline
Churches in Compromise
Churches Underutilized
The American Church is facing a crisis. Declining churches can't keep pace with population growth, theological compromise erodes Christian distinctiveness, and church resources are tragically underutilized. Win My City unites Fresno churches in a collaborative network focused on local missions and church planting. By networking, collaborating, and sharing resources, we can empower mission-driven churches to multiply. Together, we’re committed to strengthening the Church’s impact in Fresno and ensuring every person in every neighborhood can access biblically faithful, Gospel-centered communities that fulfill the Great Commission.
What Does Win My City Do?
Win My City will kick off with two key initiatives: an annual event and an online resource hub.
Annual Event
Our annual Win My City event brings together Fresno churches to explore three crucial questions:
What is God doing in our city?
Who is He working through?
How can we join in and support what God is doing?
Resource Hub
WinMyCity.com is designed to be a hub for tools and information, helping Fresno's churches reach the lost, the hurting, and the broken.
Foundational Statements
Win My City emphasizes both the diversity and unity of the Church. Recognizing the wide range of doctrinal and cultural distinctions among Christians, our Statement of Unity focuses on the essential tenets of the Christian faith, foundational to historic orthodox Christianity.
The Existence and Nature of God
One God—Creator of all things, perfect in holiness—has revealed Himself as three persons: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.
The Universal Sinfulness of Mankind
Although God created humanity in moral perfection, the first humans rebelled, and all mankind has since inherited a sinful nature. Therefore, all humans are by nature opposed to God and in need of salvation.
The Person and Work of Jesus Christ
Jesus Christ, God the Son, existed before the world began. All things were created through Him. Born of a virgin, He entered the world He created, free from a sinful nature. He died as our substitute and sacrifice, and His resurrection defeated sin and death.
The Necessity of Faith for Salvation
Humanity’s sin and rebellion against God make it impossible for us to save ourselves. We cannot pay our sin debt by our deeds or righteousness. Salvation and forgiveness are offered through faith in Jesus Christ alone. Faith in Christ is our only hope for salvation.
The Resurrection of the Dead and Final Judgment
After His physical death, Jesus Christ was physically resurrected. Likewise, all mankind will one day be resurrected and stand before Christ’s throne for final judgment. Those who have trusted in Jesus Christ will be resurrected to eternal life. Those who have rejected Him will face judgment for their sins and be sentenced to eternal death and separation from God.
The 5 Solas
Scripture Alone
We believe that the Bible is the ultimate authority in all matters of faith and life. It is God's inspired Word, sufficient and complete, providing the foundation for all our beliefs and decisions.
Faith Alone
Salvation is a gift from God, received through faith alone. It is not earned by our works or efforts but is granted solely through trusting in Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior.
Grace Alone
We are saved by God's grace alone. Our salvation is entirely dependent on His unmerited favor, not on our own merit. God’s grace initiates, sustains, and completes our salvation.
Christ Alone
Jesus Christ is the sole mediator between God and man. Our salvation is accomplished through His life, death, and resurrection. There is no other name by which we are saved.
Glory to God Alone
All of life is to be lived for the glory of God alone. In everything we do, we seek to honor and exalt Him, recognizing that our ultimate purpose is to bring Him glory.
Win My City respects the autonomy of each church within our network. We do not oversee or monitor internal church activities, assuming that each church has its own measures of accountability in place. However, churches in our network must uphold a good reputation in the following areas:
Biblical Faithfulness
Churches in the WMC network are committed to faithfully teaching and living according to the scriptures, holding the Bible as the ultimate authority in all matters of faith and practice.Grace-Filled Discipline
While no church is perfect, WMC churches are dedicated to maintaining purity within their congregations. They have clear and loving procedures for addressing and correcting gross sin, ensuring that discipline is administered with grace and compassion.Gospel Proclamation
Churches in our network are committed to proclaiming and embodying the Gospel of Jesus Christ, both in word and in action. The message of the Kingdom is central to all that we do.Sexual Purity
WMC churches uphold traditional biblical sexual ethics, affirming distinctions between male and female as created by God and holding that sex is a good gift to be enjoyed within the covenant of marriage between one man and one woman. This includes a firm stance against adultery and sexual immorality.Sanctity of Life
Churches in the WMC network are committed to defending the dignity and sanctity of all human life, including the unborn. We are expressly pro-life, advocating for the protection of the most vulnerable among us.Faithful Shepherding
Leaders within WMC churches must be known for loving and faithfully shepherding their congregations. This includes maintaining a reputation free from accusations of abusive or manipulative leadership and guiding their flocks with humility and integrity. -
Our network thrives only when centered on a single mission: the Gospel. Unity in the essentials fuels our work and drives our vision. (Romans 1:16, 1 Corinthians 15:3-4)Multiplication
Our mission is clear—make disciples and plant churches, starting in our own city. We're committed to multiplying because the local church is God's Plan A, with no Plan B. (Matthew 28:18-20)Diversity
Unity doesn't mean uniformity. We embrace diverse denominations, worship styles, and expressions to reach everyone. But our unity is always for the sake of the Gospel and the Great Commission. (1 Corinthians 12:12-14, Revelation 7:9)Collaboration
We're stronger together. We unite to impact our city for Christ by leveraging our unique strengths and talents, knowing that collaboration amplifies our effectiveness. (John 17:21-23, 1 Corinthians 12:12-27 and Ephesians 4:9-16)Humility
This movement isn’t about egos or logos—it’s about King Jesus. We leave pride at the door, choosing to serve one another just as Christ served us. (Matthew 20:28, Philippians 2:3-4)

How Do I Join The Network?
There are no fees, dues, or subscriptions—just a shared commitment to network, collaborate, and pool resources to reach the lost.
To join the network, churches must:
Affirm the WMC Statement of Unity
Adhere to the WMC Code of Conduct
Embody the WMC Core Values
Commit to active participation in the network
Membership in Win My City is driven by senior and lead pastors of Central Valley churches. If you meet these criteria and want to join, it all starts with a conversation. Fill out our contact form, and a WMC representative will reach out to schedule a one-on-one meeting to explore how your church can partner with us.