What is “The Gospel”?

The word “Gospel” simply means "Good News”. The Gospel encapsulates the profound story of God's love and redemption plan for mankind. It carries a transformative message that encapsulates God's vision for the world, and our part in it. So, what exactly is this news and why is it so good? 

1. God Exists

God, the creator and sustainer of all existence, embodies life and light. He is inherently good, and His handiwork, including our beautiful world and its living beings, reflects His goodness. (Genesis 1:1, Psalms 36:9)

2. God Created Us in His Image

Our powerful Creator made mankind in His image and likeness and endowed us with His life-giving breath. He envisioned us ruling the world with Him, united in a loving partnership, bound by obedience. (Genesis 1:26-27)

3. Mankind Has Rebelled

From the dawn of time, mankind has defied God. Instead of accepting His wisdom and sharing in His rule, we've aligned with destructive spiritual forces, attempting to discern good and evil independently, and strived to rule the world without Him. (Genesis 3:1-7)

4. Rebellion Leads to Death

This rebellion against God, known as sin, carries grave consequences: death, judgment, and separation from God. (Romans 6:23)

5. Jesus Died in Our Place

In His boundless mercy, God sent His Son, Jesus Christ, to bear our sins' penalty on the cross. Jesus, embodying perfect obedience and unity with God, paid the ultimate price for mankind's rebellion through His sacrificial death. (Romans 5:8)

6. The Gift of God is Life

By resurrecting from the dead, Jesus triumphed over sin, death, and the grave. This everlasting life, available solely through Him, is an offer extended to all who believe in Him. Salvation is a gift of grace, freely given and received by faith, not by works. (John 3:16, Ephesians 2:8-9)

7. God Created You With Purpose

Believing in Jesus secures your life and eternity in His care. Your guilt and shame are replaced with His righteousness. Moreover, this Gospel message extends beyond personal salvation. Believers are called to share this Good News of the Kingdom to others, sowing seeds of faith. (2 Corinthians 5:17, Matthew 28:19-20)

In Summary…

The Gospel is the joyful announcement of God reconciling a sinful, rebellious, and broken world back to Himself through His son, Jesus Christ. By His grace, Jesus offers us eternal life through faith in Him. Believing in the Gospel empowers us with a new spirit and new desires, so we can partake in ruling the world alongside Him, immersed in a perfect, loving partnership, bound by obedience. (John 3:16, 2 Corinthians 5:21, Revelation 21:1-5).

This is the Gospel, the truly Good News for us all.

Monthly Street Evangelism in Fresno

Every first Saturday of the month we join Fresno Street Ministry to share the Gospel of Jesus Christ in our city. We meet at 10 am at the Fresno Courthouse free speech area. If you’d like to receive updates or more information on street evangelism in Fresno, subscribe to our email list below.

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2023 Evangelism Seminar

Advancement was a one-day multi-church evangelism seminar held on 06/26/23 at Ekklesia created to motivate and equip the church to reach the lost in our own city, and start a monthly evangelism outreach movement in Fresno. You can catch all the sessions here.